Melodic Styles of the Ranard- Ek in the Sathukam Piece from the Naphat Repertoire

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Adirake Kota
Suradit Phaksuchon


The purpose of this research was to analyze.1. To analyze the forms of the Ranard- Ek  in the  Sathukam 2. In order to analyze the identity of the Ranard- Ek  in the  Sathukam. The results of the research showed that 1.) Forms of poetry the Ranard- Ek in the  Sathukam. Lieutenant Colonel Sanoh Luangsoonthorn And the teacher Samran effected Composing music principles poetry the Ranard- Ek. Using the theory of teacher Prasit Thawornthon.9 verses poetry the Ranard- EkOf Lieutenant Colonel Sanoh Luangsoonthorn.Which has the most frequency of use is Klxn tị̀lwd Is 19 sentences And the form of the poetry the Ranard- Ek Of Teacher Samran Kherd  Which has the most frequency of use is Klxn tị̀lwdIs 21 sentences. The uniqueness of the poetry the Ranard- Ek  alto. Lieutenant Colonel Sanoh Luangsoonthorn. And the teacher Samran effected With the principles of music on the Ranard- Ek    verse using Teacher Prasit Thaworn According to the 9 verse guidelines.The uniqueness of the Ranard- Ek poem. Lieutenant Colonel Sanoh Luangsoonthorn. With the principles of music on the Ranard- Ek erse using Teacher Prasit Thaworn According to the 9 verse guidelines. Equal to 10.90 percen  And the unique characteristics of the Ranard- Ek  poem Teacher Samran Khaimon. With the principles of music on the Ranard- Ek verse using Teacher Prasit Thaworn According to the 9 verse guidelines Equal to 9.09

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How to Cite
Kota, A., & Phaksuchon, S. (2021). Melodic Styles of the Ranard- Ek in the Sathukam Piece from the Naphat Repertoire. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 13(1), 290–307. Retrieved from
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