The Recreation of Contemporary Dance “Mekhala-Rammhasul” with Contact Improvisation Technique

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จิรายุส เผือดผุด


The aim of this study is to recreate contemporary dance “mekhala–rammhasul” with contact improvisation technique this is a creative research whose methodology consists of documentary research, interviewing, observing with participation, and then crating a performance with contact improvisation technique.

To create the performance, the researcher interprets the story and adapts it into contemporary context. The original order of the story and the structure of Thai dance are retained. Same forms of Thai dance are retained to create more flexibility in the movement with contact improvisation technique. The dance was presented to public and dance experts who evaluated the dance in terms of performance structure, aesthetic value and the use of contact improvisation technique. The results show that the recreation of contemporary dance “mekhala–rammhasul” with contact improvisation technique is highly interesting and divisible balanced between western dancing techniques and Thai classical dance without destroying the Thai classical dance convention. The performance shows one of the ways in creating contemporary dance with Thai classical dance structure and western dance technique.

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How to Cite
เผือดผุด จ. (2019). The Recreation of Contemporary Dance “Mekhala-Rammhasul” with Contact Improvisation Technique. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 11(2), 180–196. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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