A Comparative analysis of Scott Lafaro’s and Marc Johnson’s Improvisation on Miles Davis’s Nardis

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ศุภวุฒิ พิมพ์นนท์
เด่น อยู่ประเสริฐ


  This analysis, focused on a comparative of Scott Lafaro’s and Marc Johnson’s improvisation on Nardis composed by Miles Davis. Researcher focused on Rhythm, Melodic Structure, Harmony, Scales Bass Technic and others musical element. From an analysis, found that both bassists use varieties of rhythmic to develop their phasing, mostly on Eight-Note and Triplet. to develop their motifs, they create a Polyrhythm and Rhythmic Displacement to expand more possible ways to improvise. Scott Lafaro uses patterns of rhythmic scales and arpeggio with a chord changes to make his improvisation line to be linear pattern while Marc Johnson use the same element but focused more on intervals. In part of harmony, both bassists use varieties of scales to be a source of their improvisation which can create an Expansion on an improvisation’s line. On bass’s Technic, both bassists use a Harmonic Technic to color their lines. Marc Johnson have more variation on Technic Than Scott Lafaro moreover, Ornamenting variation from a melody also found on Marc 's improvisation line.

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How to Cite
พิมพ์นนท์ ศ., & อยู่ประเสริฐ เ. (2019). A Comparative analysis of Scott Lafaro’s and Marc Johnson’s Improvisation on Miles Davis’s Nardis. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 11(1), 72–92. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/199403
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