Thai Guitarist’s Self-Directed Learning: a Case Study of Thammarat Duangsiri

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Panyatuch Weerapol
Anak Charanyananda


This qualitative case study research aimed to investigate and analyze self-directed learning strategy of Thammarat Duangsiri, and present effective ways to build self-directed learning skill in 21st century for guitarists. This study was conducted using informal interview and participant observation to collect data.  The results revealed that

1) self-directed learning strategy of Thammarat Duangsiri had a high level of self-directed learning ability. His strategies were as follows; conducting self-analysis, defining scope of target, managing his learning environment, and assessing his practices. He used those strategies in his learning until he could adapt to his own guitar playing style and create good works by himself. Technology was also a tool of learning used to develop essential skills and connect between learning and working, The factor affected his learning was environmental management, for instance, cleaning instruments constantly, building relationship with musicians and audiences through social media, and performing music activities to motivate self-learning. However, there are some barriers involved in self-directed learning. For example, teachers do no longer take a role as being facilitators, so it takes too much time in learning.  This kind of learning also requires a high level of self-discipline, self-will and self-control.

2) Present effective ways to build self-directed learning skill in 21st century for guitarists pay more attention to methods and techniques to represent themselves with outstanding. Not only should they understand the differences of their roles in each works, but they also should learn from experiences, environments, and problems faced at work in the past to get better in the future.

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How to Cite
Weerapol, P., & Charanyananda, A. (2020). Thai Guitarist’s Self-Directed Learning: a Case Study of Thammarat Duangsiri. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(1), 180–206. Retrieved from
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