Guidelines for Creating Value Added to Local Rice Products Corresponding to the Current Context and Way of Consumption of Consumers in Rasi Salai District, Sisaket Province.

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Chutima Makhakvun


The objectives of this research were:  1) to study the traditional wisdom of traditional rice production and processing, 2) to process the traditional rice responding to the present consumption, 3) to develop the package and channel for traditional rice marketing based on present consumption style, and 4) to develop the wisdom learning curriculum for traditional rice production and processing to be suitable for the context as well as congruent with the need of area.  This research is a qualitative research. By using the target group selection method to collect specific data. The target group area for data collection were:  1) the experts including the local wisdom, leader, experts in production, consumption, and processing, and 2) the practitioners including the traditional rice producer and processor, teacher, student, and stakeholder with production and processing consumers  in  Rasi Salai District area, Sisaket Province.  The research instruments were:  1) the In-depth Interview, 2) the Questionnaire, and 3) the outline of questions for the focus group

The research findings found that: 

For the study in traditional wisdom of traditional rice production and processing, found that the traditional rice of consumers  in  Rasi Salai District area, Sisaket Province, consisted of many rice strains.  Various rice strains were grown, consumed, and sold.  Furthermore, there were many traditional rice producers covering many sub-districts, and production areas.  Specifically, in  Rasi Salai District area.

For the rice processing responding to present consumption as well as corresponding to the market need, found that according to the analysis of phytochemicals in each strain of traditional rice, found that  Moreover, 12 kinds of them focusing on high level of phytochemicals as well as the rice with color and shape being congruent with the processing for consumption which could be developed for processing product being convenient, modern, and corresponding to the consumer’s need. 

 The development of package and channel for traditional rice based on the way of present consumption and correspondence to the market need, found that 12 kinds of traditional rice processing product

 The development of curriculum for wisdom learning and traditional rice production and processing to be suitable for context and correspond to the need of area.  It was the analysis of learning curriculum development for children as well as persons being interested in Rasi Salai District area, Sisaket Province, 3 curricula could be developed including. 

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How to Cite
Makhakvun, C. (2020). Guidelines for Creating Value Added to Local Rice Products Corresponding to the Current Context and Way of Consumption of Consumers in Rasi Salai District, Sisaket Province. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(1), 152–179. Retrieved from
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