Mixed media art: The creative from wisdom of the gunpowder of the northeast

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อนุรักษ์ โคตรชมภู


This is a study on the project of Mixed media art: The creative from wisdom of the gunpowder of the northeast. This is a creative research inspired by the invention of gunpowder from the wisdom of Isan people, which is the main component forcreating fireworks.This study aims to reflect the worldview of Bun Bang Fai rocket festival ofIsan peoplein the past through the vision of current conditions.

 The creation was a visual art in a mixed media form using various media and mutuallypresented in the artof compositions includingbaked clay, wastes, video and audio. The creatorhad divided creation processinto two main stages: studying the development of gunpowder invention of the Isan people and bringing the experiment results obtained to creatework pieces of visual arts.

The results of the creations had produced an effect of the following findings: 1) The creative works had expressed the unique character of the creator. It was the use of knowledge and wisdom of gunpowder invention byIsan people to experiment and develop in order to control techniques and time that resulted in the esthetic oftexture that was related to time. Also, the creative work was a contemporary work that used modern media with traditional media. 2) The creative work was a model.In other word, it was the use of clay burning technique with gunpowder. It could create weight and texture of workto create the new form of esthetic. 3) The value of the creative work could reflect both present and past worldviews towards the tradition of Bun Bang Fai rocket festival in order to realize the value of the good tradition of Isan people, to be aware of living together with nature in the present state with consciousness, as well as to live together happily on the basis of understanding.

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How to Cite
โคตรชมภู อ. (2018). Mixed media art: The creative from wisdom of the gunpowder of the northeast. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 10(2), 143–166. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fakku/article/view/166873
Research Articles


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