The Study of Inappropriate Elements in LINE TV Drama Series

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Aksarapak Peeboong
Chutima Maneewattana


The study of inappropriate elements in series LINE TV. The objectives of this research study are 1) To study and analyze the content of sex and violent behaviour to use language that appeared in series LINE TV 2) To evaluate the content, the drama series that was broadcast on the tv ratings criteria are inline, the suitability of The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC), The scope of the analysis is the study of drama series that was broadcast on series LINE TV Include: I Hate You, I Love You and Gay OK Bangkok season 2, using criteria for rating the suitability of broadcasting of tv. Analysed the content of presentation behaviour, violence, sex and language, which appeared in series LINE TV.

The research found that The inappropriate elements in series LINE TV content that reflects both violent and sexually abusive language. The quality assessment and content levels in the age 13+ up to prohibit people under 20 years watching, thus pointing to the possibility that the audience is children and youth. It has been the theater for inappropriate content. And the impact of such content. It also reflects a problem in both the guidelines and the appropriate level of TV-programs by the agency responsible for supervision. However, when studied in detail the rules and guidelines for the preparation of the program of the NBTC. Found in some minor issues still need to be considered in the interpretation. By determining the difference between the category list all ages, 13+, 18+ up to prohibit people under 20 years watching in terms of violence, sex and language, it is clear that at some point. But at the same point, it is ambiguous.

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How to Cite
Peeboong, A., & Maneewattana, C. (2020). The Study of Inappropriate Elements in LINE TV Drama Series. Journal of Fine and Applied Arts Khon Kaen University, 12(1), 1–27. Retrieved from
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