A Study of a Society Without Ambition “TANGPING” in the New Generation of Chinese People: Factors and Problems


  • Natsarun Laksanapeeti School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University
  • Preeyaporn Ittiphisit School of Sinology, Mae Fah Luang University


A Society Without Ambition, TANGPING, Societal Issues, Chinese Social Problems


The economy and society of China are experiencing significant and rapid development. China is poised to potentially emerge as the leading global superpower in the foreseeable future. Since 2019, China has encountered a series of formidable challenges and issues, including the emergence of the “TANGPING” social phenomenon.

The term “TANGPING” (ถั่งผิง in Thai) is translated from the Chinese word “躺平”, which means “Lying Flat” in English. It became a trend in the online world around mid-2021, coinciding with the global spread of the COVID-19 virus. The primary attribute exhibited by individuals who embrace this phenomenon is their detachment from societal aspirations, apathy towards social norms, and lack of motivation to pursue achievement or establish a familial unit. Instead, individuals place a higher emphasis on their personal welfare. If a substantial proportion of the Chinese populace adopts this perspective, it could have profound ramifications for both society and the economy.

This article is an academic paper that gathers information through the process of reading, analyzing academic articles, research papers, and social media content from China. Its objective is to identify the factors contributing to and the issues related to the “TANGPING” social phenomenon among the new generation of Chinese people and to study how China is currently addressing this issue. The intention is to provide insights that may be useful in handling similar potential problems that could arise in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Laksanapeeti, N., & Ittiphisit, P. . (2023). A Study of a Society Without Ambition “TANGPING” in the New Generation of Chinese People: Factors and Problems. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 27(2), 46–62. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easttu/article/view/262241



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