United States-China Competition in the Philippines in the Context of a New World Order


  • Tran Thai Bao University of Sciences, Hue University, Vietnam
  • Duong Quang Hiep University of Sciences - Hue University


Competition, China, The United States of America, Relations, Cooperation


The Philippines is a key component to Chinese expansionist plans in Southeast Asia. China has attempted to limit the expanding footprint of the United States of America (US) in Southeast Asia by using the Philippines as a foothold in the South China Sea. China requires the Philippines to expand and maintain regional influence. To avoid marginalization, China must promptly assert control in the Philippines, especially as the US is continuously monitoring and influencing the region. Politically, China increases power in Southeast Asia through closer cooperation that leads to of control. The Philippines has benefited by developing relations with China, whose influence is present in economic, cultural, social, and military spheres as well as development assistance projects. The Philippines remains a key motivator and target for Chinese strategy for advancement into Southeast Asia. Yet the Philippines continues among  US allies in Asia, alongside Japan, South Korea, and Australia as a participant in the policy of expanding US influence in the Asia-Pacific region. This is reflected in historical US military priorities in the Philippines. This article will analyse how a order new world perspective may clarify competition between China and the US for the Philippines from 2016 to 2021.


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How to Cite

Bao, T. T. ., & Quang Hiep, D. . (2023). United States-China Competition in the Philippines in the Context of a New World Order. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 27(1), 28–46. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easttu/article/view/258787



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