Production of ‘Maha Chanok’ Mangoes for Export to the Japanese Market: The Case Study of Nong Bua Chum Village, Nong Hin Sub-district, Nong Kung Si District, Kalasin Province


  • Theerarat Chinnasaen Khon Kaen Field Crop Center


Maha Chanok Mango, Cultivation, Yield, Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Middleman


Although the farmers in Nong Bua Chum Village, Nong Hin Sub-district, Nong Kung
Si District, Kalasin Province have been cultivating ‘Maha Chanok’ mangoes for more than 24 years, market fluctuation remains an significant problem for them. This is especially the case in the
middle season which produces high crop yields. Production for export is a promising solution for this problem, particularly export to the Japanese market which offers higher prices compared with other import countries. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to study the ‘Maha Chanok’ Mango production of farmers at Nong Bua Chum Village, Nong Hin Sub-district, Nong Kung Si
District, Kalasin Province and factors regarding export to the Japanese market. The results showed that before the product can be exported, the farmers are required to meet the Good Agricultural Practices or GAP standard for food crops. Furthermore, arrangements must be made to grade and collect the fruit, either by an export agent or middleman, and meet grading conditions such as the weight of the fruit being 250 – 450 grams per piece and the fruit having a red or pink
unblemished peel. Frozen mangoes could be graded by the farmers themselves before transfer to an export company or middleman. For sufficient and sustainable income from Maha Chanok Mango production, it is recommended that famers focus on the development of technological production to ensure the highest quality Maha Chanok Mangoes, including moving from the GAP standard to the organic standard



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How to Cite

Chinnasaen, T. (2020). Production of ‘Maha Chanok’ Mangoes for Export to the Japanese Market: The Case Study of Nong Bua Chum Village, Nong Hin Sub-district, Nong Kung Si District, Kalasin Province. Thai Journal of East Asian Studies, 24(1), 36–52. Retrieved from



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