Educate of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6 in High School Program Curriculum (Arts Program) : Case Study as Luangporpan Khlongdan Anusorn School


  • ไพศาล ทองสัมฤทธิ์
  • ธนดล จิรสันติวงศ์
  • สุทธสร ศรีวิภากุล
  • เทพี แซ่มัด


Teaching and learning in Arts, Luangporpan Khlongdan Anusorn School, Course (Curriculum)


The focus of this article is to study the teaching and learning, the schools in the secondary education area office 6 which is responsible for 54 schools and covers two provinces, are Samut Prakan Province and Chachoengsao Province. It can be divided into 25 schools in Samut Prakan Province and 29 schools in Chachoengsao Province.

In this article, the authors used both primary and secondary methods of education, such as interviews with the staffs of Samut Prakan Provincial Education Office, researching documents online, including studying the curriculum and subjects of the target school used as a case study or Luangporpan Khlongdan Anusorn School. The reason for choosing this school is due to factors such as the school's basic condition, teachers’ potential, and course content which is concluded as follows

  1. At present, the school has organized an Art - Chinese class as an elective subject.
  2. The lesson plans and Chinese courses can be further developed into an Art-Chinese study plan.

However, there are suggestions: in addition to developing a study plan from the original to be an Art - Chinese form, the faculty should receive additional training in Chinese and culture to learn more about Chinese language and should get the Chinese volunteer teachers from the center to support the Systematically of art-Chinese study plan in the future.


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e4839SOm-grxZXO/view, วันที่สืบค้น 17 มิถุนายน 2563
สัมภาษณ์ผู้อำนวยการกลุ่มพัฒนาการศึกษา สำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดสมุทรปราการ (นางละม่อม รำพึงนิตย์) เมื่อวันที่ 29 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ.2562




How to Cite

ทองสัมฤทธิ์ ไ., จิรสันติวงศ์ ธ., ศรีวิภากุล ส., & แซ่มัด เ. . (2021). Educate of The Secondary Educational Service Area Office 6 in High School Program Curriculum (Arts Program) : Case Study as Luangporpan Khlongdan Anusorn School. Chinese Language and Culture Journal, 8(1), 041–060. retrieved from