Social Volunteer Development Process

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Raveewan Wongdechanun


Volunteerism can enable everyone in the society to live together. It became a society to give and share with each other. Taking into account the interests of the community is the location that must drive the entire system, especially school-aged children. Because volunteerism and public mind are desirable qualities that must be cultivated continuously, therefore, the development of volunteerism is a process that focuses on personal growth and development in the mind and have visibility into the service culture and competencies involved in volunteer work volunteering development generally involves fostering good leadership. Promote personal and social responsibility and promote systematic thinking skills and Teamwork Skills Planning and Goal Setting. The process begins with planning and setting the clear goals for volunteer development. Goals should be set with the clear content and objectives. In this article, the author presents the content issues related to the process of social volunteer development, namely: training and learning personal skill development psychological support creation and knowledge sharing and social support to be a guideline leading to the development of the process of developing volunteer spirit for society.

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How to Cite
Wongdechanun, R. (2023). Social Volunteer Development Process. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(2), 173–187. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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