Mango Processing Integration to Enhance the Life Skills of Secondary 1 Students

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Charita Saeheng
Phumphakhawat Phumphongkhochasorn


In this research, the objectives are to develop the integrated mango processing activities to enhance the life skills. There should be an efficiency criterion of 80/80 to compare the learning achievement on mango processing before and after studying by using the life skills enhancement model and to study student satisfaction with the integrated mango processing activities to enhance life skills of Secondary 1 students. The target population includes Secondary 1 students, with a total number of 20 students. The tools used in the study were one activity plan for integrating mango processing to enhance life skills, a test to measure academic and post-study achievement, and a questionnaire. The data analysis was used the basic statistics, including Frequency, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, E1/E2 efficiency determination, and t-test Dependent. The research results found that:

1. Efficiency of the integrated mango processing activities to enhance the life skills of Secondary 1 students had a value (E1/E2) equal to 79.20/80.18 according to the criteria 80/80.

2. For comparison of the academic achievement on the mango processing before and after studying by using the life skills enhancement model, it was found that the average score after studying was higher than before studying with statistical significance at the 0.01 level.

3. Students have satisfaction with the integrated mango processing activities to enhance students' life skills. In the overall and each aspect, they were at a high level in every aspect.

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How to Cite
Saeheng , C., & Phumphongkhochasorn, P. (2023). Mango Processing Integration to Enhance the Life Skills of Secondary 1 Students . Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(2), 121–133. retrieved from
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