Guidelines for promoting community products, Wang Yen Subdistrict, Plaeng Yao District, Chachoengsao Province
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This research was the objectives 1) to search for community products originated from the agricultural new products and 2) to select and find some ways to promote them. With people’s participation, the research area is Wang Yen Subdistrict, Plaeng Yao District, Chachoengsao Province. The sample group was officers who are working in the District Agricultural Office, community leaders, and presidents or representatives of community enterprises. There were 2 types of research tools: 1) an interview form and 2) an assessment form. Data were analyzed by using the statistics and the description.
The results were showed that:
- Searching for the community products were originated from the agricultural product new products in the Wang Yen Sub-district, Plaeng Yao District, Chachoengsao Province. There were results as follows: 1) a type of the fried jackfruit was the community enterprise, Moo 10, where the products were the crispy jackfruit and the preserved pineapple jam; 2) a type of the new products of Mae Somboon in the community enterprise; there are many products as the preserved type of the mango jam, pineapple jam, banana jam, and 3) a type of new products of Ban Nong Prue Mai Kaeo was Community Enterprise, where the product was the herbal lemonade.
2. From the social capital assessment, the community products of the fried jackfruit, Moo 10 in the community enterprise were selected to check it, because they were ready and to need the products promotion and find the guidelines. There were the following points: In their packaging Jackfruit should be filled with foil bags as a type of the nitrogen-filled aluminum. The pineapple jam was made as the candy and it was easy to eat. Its brand should have the unique identity. Its price should be made with variety. On the distribution channels, they were sold by the shops that supports community products through the on-site or online channels, including the Tik Tok, Shopping, Facebook, they were posted to promote the products to increase the total of selling at that time. Finally, with the advertisement on the marketing, the promotion was a powerful kind to attract the customers such as seasonal discounts.
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