Thai monks and educational changes Thai monks and educational changes

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Phompiriya Malailak


In Thailand, the monks have played an important role in education for centuries. In the past, Thai monks were responsible for teaching young people to read and write, including preservation of the scriptures. In the recent years, there have been some changes in the education system in Thailand. This includes the secular curriculum with more standard. However, Thai monks continued to participate in the various forms of education. For an example, many temples in the country began to take the permission license of managing the schools or provide the educational opportunities to youths in their communities. These may include the language classes, computer training, or other professional programs. In addition, the clergy may act to advise and assist the students in some cases. Exactly, the monks are also involved in driving the educational reformation in Thailand. For an example, they focus on critical thinking and creativity in the classroom more than simply memorizing and taking an overall standardized test. Although the role of the monks in the education of Thailand may change, the monks still mostly play the important role in providing the educational opportunities and promoting it in their communities.

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How to Cite
Malailak, P. (2023). Thai monks and educational changes: Thai monks and educational changes. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(1), 71–83. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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