Moral Criticize: Dealing with 12 Main Popularities to Recitation of Thai Students
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Among the trend of society and culture in 21st century, the education is most important for Thai society and permit the Thai students to have the rights of freedom to express and the needed condition for the learning development, in order to give the children to reasonably analyze and criticize to discover the answers. It was well-known that the teachers and people in the society should have done it frankly. This dialogue has criticized and reflected a dimension of idea in the topic specified the 12 types of the main popularity. And then they made or produced it as the recitation for students in order to learn how to reflect the problem that the header of government had wanted to create the political ideology through the popularity regulation, belief and culture for the students and they performed in an education system to definitely propagate the obedience, respect, trust to accept to the state’s power. The purpose of this dialogue is to present the ideas to realize and appreciate to the rights of the expression freedom which is the necessary conditions of the democracy rule, because the main popularity was criticized in the 3 points as follows: -
- The popularity made the people and students lose their individuality.
- The popularity made the base of some idea for being the authoritarianism or dictatorship.
- The popularity is ambiguously and criticized frankly.
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