A Model for Teacher Personnel Quality Development in Border Patrol Police Schools Based on Sevenfold Kalyanamitta - Dhamma A Model for Teacher Personnel Quality Development in Border Patrol Police Schools Based on Sevenfold Kalyanamitta - Dhamma

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Patttrachaiyakorn Udsuay


With the developing the quality of teachers in the border patrol police schools to have knowledge and ability in learning management along with morality and ethics, it is to increase the intellectual and academic skills, the professional ethics and it can be a good role model for teachers who should adhere and practice the 7 principles of good morality in Buddhism, because it helps, build and develop the quality of teachers to be stable and respectable by both colleagues and students.  Therefore, the 7 principles of good morality in Buddhism consist of: (1) Piyo; the teacher is a lovely person with the beautiful manners in speech, dress and intimacy among teachers and students, (2) Garu; the teachers are respectable with their growth and the best practice, (3) Bhāvaniyo; the teachers are pleasant, commendable and praising with the true knowledge and wisdom on account of oneself-training and improving all the time, (4) Vattā the teachers know how to explain for understanding, including to give the advice and consulting. They can tell their students that somethings should be done or not done by the students, (5) Vacanakkhamo; the teachers are patient with the comment because of accepting the criticism from others and willing to realize the mistakes, questions, and suggestions, (6) Gambhiranca Katha Kattā; the teachers can clarify and elaborate the complex matters with clarity and easily understanding on both sides in terms of learning contents in each subject in order to answer problems and make the students understand all, and (7) No Catthāne Niyojaye; the teachers do not lead the students in a bad way, but they should advise and suggest, tell, teach them in the good and suitable way for children.

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How to Cite
Udsuay, P. (2023). A Model for Teacher Personnel Quality Development in Border Patrol Police Schools Based on Sevenfold Kalyanamitta - Dhamma : A Model for Teacher Personnel Quality Development in Border Patrol Police Schools Based on Sevenfold Kalyanamitta - Dhamma . Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(1), 29–40. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMBR_sothorn/article/view/261306
Academic Article


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