Teaching and Learning Innovation is

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pornpirom yodboon


In the situation of the epidemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affecting almost every sector, this result was disruption widely as a local disease. The education industry has been greatly affected. The mostly infected people have the mild symptom to moderate symptoms, and then recover from the disease without curing in the hospital. Then, trying to find some ways to manage teaching in the next normal era is a challenge for all teachers. Therefore, the innovation of teaching the social studies should be the type of the Blended Learning in the next normal era that teachers should apply the type of an innovation of teaching, because it has a variety of alternative formats for students. Exactly, it is suitable for the learners in every type of learning. The teacher usually acts as the teaching director to encourage them and expand the scope of learning contents. Moreover, the students can choose their interesting topics and learn together with the teacher. To organize learning with the funny learning activities and create more entertainment and happiness through the learning media, technology, and teaching methods in various forms were the best choice of learning activities. These will cause the learners remembering and understanding the various content better, increasing their enthusiasm and they have been interested in learning. This will go or grow up with the development of a new meaningful lifestyle in the Next Normal Era.

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How to Cite
yodboon, pornpirom. (2023). Teaching and Learning Innovation is. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 3(1), 41–55. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/JMBR_sothorn/article/view/261279
Academic Article


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