THE ANAM NIKAYA: The Anam Nikaya: Mahayana Resurrection The Anam Nikaya: Mahayana Resurrection

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ศราวุธ จันทนะ
Phramaha Phumiphat Commee
Phra Somchai Thinthaworn
Phramaha Chanachai Sae-oueng


Mahayana Buddhism is an ancient Buddhism that has been associated with the Suvarnabhumi Land for a long time that is popular and prospered greatly in the 12th-18th centuries, with the construction of religious places or many religious objects including various ancient inscriptions also mention the existence of monks in Mahayana Buddhism who acts as a propagator of Buddhism. However, Mahayana Buddhism became less popular and regressed greatly in the Sukhothai and Ayutthaya kingdoms, which caused Mahayana Buddhism to almost disappear from Suvarnabhumi for hundreds of years. Later, there was a recording of the return of Mahayana Buddhism by the introduction of the Vietnamese royal family who immigrated to rely on His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej during the Thon Buri and Rattanakosin period which has also invited monks in Mahayana Buddhism. Later, Mahayana Buddhism became widely popular again during the reign of King Mongkut, Rama 4 of Rattanakosin until the establishment of the Mahayana Sangha in Buddhism of the Kingdom of Siam during the reign of King Chulalongkorn, King Rama V of Rattanakosin and there is also an ecclesiastical title given to Mahayana monks. As a result, Mahayana Buddhism has prospered again until now.

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How to Cite
จันทนะ ศ., Commee, P. P., Thinthaworn, P. S., & Sae-oueng, P. C. . (2022). THE ANAM NIKAYA: The Anam Nikaya: Mahayana Resurrection: The Anam Nikaya: Mahayana Resurrection. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 2(2), 161–171. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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