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พระมหากัลยวรรธน์ กิตฺติธโร/มีชัย



      Buddhist knowledge management strategies in the 21st century must be linked to social processes. The inevitable economic system and must be consistent with the advancement in science and technology and changes in all aspects that are continually fast The traditional education system that focuses on knowledge cannot develop people with quality surroundings. This academic article aims to study 1) Education management and learning management 2) Study the concept of knowledge management 3) Strategies for managing knowledge using Buddhist methods in the 21st century Knowledge management therefore inevitably changes people with the knowledge and skills to cope with the constant change. And only able to adapt to new situations will experience. Therefore, learning management needs to be adjusted. And there must be development of teachers and learners to keep up with the changes of the world in the future. in Buddhism Lord Buddha, he has established a Buddhism Organization After the Buddha attained enlightenment, he preached a sermon until the people believed and joined the Buddhist organization. The Buddha managed knowledge by giving concepts and principles of teachings to promote the management of personnel of the Sangha. To be stable and sustained for a long time until today Moreover, it can be counted that the knowledge management of the Buddhist Organization is the management of the Organization of Learning, the Organization of Education.

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How to Cite
กิตฺติธโร/มีชัย พ. (2021). STRATEGIES FOR KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT ACCORDING TO BUDDHIST METHODS IN THE 21ST CENTURY. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 1(2), 94–107. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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