การพัฒนาทักษะครูในศตวรรษที่ 21 ก การพัฒนาทักษะครูในศตวรรษที่ 21 กับบูรณาการนวัตกรรม The Development of Teacher Skills in the 21st Century and the Integration of Innovation
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It is necessary for the educational system in the 21st century to seek new strategies for development. The trends in education management require integration with various fields of science. The right education for the new century aims at achieving skills, in other words, the ability to apply skills after studying. From knowledge of the studied subjects to skills in applying and integrating them in real life. The education that can bring out the most of students’ abilities, ideas, and attitudes. Therefore, the tools to enhance the skills of the 21st century have been created based on thinking, a research process that focuses on life skills, and lifelong learning in which the teachers play the role of guiding and undertaking learning projects together. The factors that are obstacles for the teachers to perform their duties are as follows: other responsibilities apart from teaching; insufficient number of teachers; teachers do not get to teach according to their degrees; teachers lack information and communications technology (ICT) skills; teachers lack freedom in administration; and new generation of teachers lack teaching expertise whether in academics, teacher characteristics, or lack experiences in working. The factors that are obstacles for the teachers to perform their duties are as follows: other responsibilities apart from teaching; insufficient number of teachers; teachers do not get to teach according to their degrees; teachers lack information and communications technology (ICT) skills; teachers lack freedom in administration; and the new generation of teachers lack teaching expertise whether in academics, teacher characteristics, or lack experiences in working. All of these factors reflect the importance to develop teacher skills to have the 21st century skills which will be able to fully respond to the needs of teachers and students. This will result in the most efficiency and effectiveness of teaching and learning, including the attainment of three important skills which are 1) learning and innovation skills; 2) information and communications technology skills; and 3) life and career skills.
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