Structural Analysis of the Participatory education with the classic design: a case study of 3 countries

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เอนก สุวรรณบัณฑิต


This research was a qualitative research using structural function theory framework. The data were analyzed by content analysis technique with the classic structural analysis model. The research findings indicated that participatory education structural system in Finland, Canada and Japan, each country has three levels of structure: mainframe, braced frame and facilitate structures that 1) Finland had a structure that emphasizes area-based management at the school level, decentralized to the local, each local has the freedom to be involved in dealing with schools within their own districts in all aspects, having the power to make high levels of decision-making on education policy in each area, each area has a different education policy; 2) Canada had a structure focused on area-based management at the state level. Participation occurred through the national education assembly with this being done through the First Nations-Government of Canada terms of reference for joint collaboration 2016. It is decentralized, with each state administered through the provincial ministry of education; and 3) Japan had a structure that focuses on prefecture-level management, with the Central Education Council proceeding to decentralize educational powers and roles at all levels. Education policy emphasizes the education accessibility, Increasing the information responsibility system and providing educational opportunities for the disadvantaged and there was a school management council to making decision-making at the provincial or educational area level. The knowledge of the research is benefit to ministry of education, Education council and school for furthering the model of the effective participatory education management.

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สุวรรณบัณฑิต เ. (2021). Structural Analysis of the Participatory education with the classic design: a case study of 3 countries. Journal of MCU Buddhasothorn Review, 1(1), 1–14. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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