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Surawut Sukkum
Thitima Chaiyakul


The objectives of this study are 1) to study the influence of perception of perceived ease of use on perceived usefulness of automation technology, 2) to investigate the influence of the perceived usefulness on attitude towards using of automation technology, 3) to examine the influence of perceived ease of use on attitude towards using of automation technology, and 4) to study the influence of attitude towards using on technology acceptance of automation technology. The questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 277 employees in an electronics factory in Laem Chabang Industrial Estate, using the sample using simple random sampling. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis.

          The results showed that 1) the factor of perceived ease of use was found to positively influenced perceived usefulness of automation technology as a significant level of 0.05. 2) the factor of perceived usefulness was found to positively influenced attitude towards using of automation technology as a significant level of 0.05. 3) the factor of perceived ease of use was found to positively influenced attitude towards using of automation technology as a significant level of 0.05. 4) the factor of attitude towards using was found to positively influenced technology acceptance of automation technology as a significant level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Sukkum, S., & Chaiyakul, T. (2021). FACTORS INFLUENCE ON TECHNOLOGY ACCEPTANCE OF AUTOMATION IN ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY MANAFACTUEING: A CASE STUDY OF ELECTRONIC FACTORY IN LEAM CHABANG INDUSTRIAL ESTATE. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(2), 113–125. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GSC/article/view/248034


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