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ananya yonthawil
Prayong Meechaisue
Wirat Sanguanwongwan


This research aims to study 1) the effect of workload on work stress, quality of work life, work engagement, and intention to quit, 2) the effect of work stress on quality of work life, work engagement, and intention to quit, 3) the effect of quality of work life on work engagement, and intention to quit, and 4) the effect of work engagement on intention to quit. A questionnaire is used for collecting data. The participants are 600 personnel who work under the Central and Regional Revenue Department. The researcher applies Structural Equation Modeling analysis using the computer software program. The results are as follows: 1) workload has a positive effect on work stress and negative effect on intention to quit significantly but it has no any effects on quality of work life and work engagement directly, 2) work stress has a negative effect on intention to quit significantly but has no any effects on quality of work life and work engagement directly, 3) quality of work life has a positive effect on work engagement and has a negative effect on intention to quit significantly, and 4) work engagement has a negative effect on intention to quit significantly, respectively.   

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How to Cite
yonthawil, ananya, Meechaisue, P., & Sanguanwongwan, W. (2021). THE EFFECTS OF WORKLOAD AND WORK STRESS ON THE INTENTION TO QUIT OF PERSONNEL AT THE REVENUE DEPARTMENT. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(1), 97–111. retrieved from


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