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Nont Sahaya
Peerayos Ratanatham


The purpose of this research was to study motivation factors influencing employees’ loyalty toward organization. The sample population was 125 support engineers. The data tested in reliability were collected by rating scale. The data analysis of this research included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and multiple regression analysis. The results of this research showed that population were males counted as 68.3%, aged 30-35 years counted as 40.0%, married counted as 64.2%, graduated with bachelor’s degree counted as 76.7%, and more than 5 years of work duration counted as 56.7%. The revealed opinions toward motivation factors of employees were in a high level, starting with the most important three factors: responsibility and challenging work, sense of achievement, and job interest.  The revealed attitudes toward loyalty in the organization regarding perception loyalty, affective loyalty by earning total trust in supervisor and organization policy, and behavioral loyalty remained in a high level. The hypothesis analysis of this research showed that motivation factors, job interest, and challenging job responsibility had an influence on employee’ loyalty toward organization counted as 74.3%

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How to Cite
Sahaya, N., & Ratanatham, P. (2021). MOTIVATION INFLUENCING EMPLOYEES LOYALITY TOWARD ORGANIZATION: A CASE STUDY OF ABC COMPANY. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(2), 15–31. Retrieved from


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