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Nichakarn Thongtawee
Thanyanan Boonyoo


This research aimed to study (1) the level of the role stress and the retention of the employees; (2) the comparisons of the retention of the employees by personal factors; and (3) a relation between the role stress and the retention of the employees of a condominium developer in a district of Bangkok. A sample group used in this research is consisted of 108 employees of a condominium developer in a district of Bangkok. The research instrument is a questionnaire, and the statistics used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, F-test and analysis of variance. The research revealed the following outcomes: (1) The overall average of the role stress of the employees was at a moderate level. As a result of considering each aspect, it was found that the overall averages of role conflict, role ambiguity, work beyond the capacity of the role of the employees were at a moderate level. Meanwhile, the overall average of the retention of the employees was at a moderate level; (2) As a result of comparing the retention of the employees by personal factors, it was found that the level of employee retention differed according to the gender, age, education level, average monthly income and the length of service (the level of statistical significance was 0.05).; and (3) Overall role stress was negatively associated with overall employee retention (the level of statistical significance was 0.05).

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How to Cite
Thongtawee, N., & Boonyoo, T. (2021). RELATION BETWEEN THE ROLE STRESS AND THE RETENTION OF THE EMPLOYEES OF A CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPER IN A DISTRICT OF BANGKOK. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 16(1), 83–96. Retrieved from


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