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Chayotit Nuchanart
Jumpoth Boriraj


The common cause of workplace accidents comes from unsafe actions than unsafe conditions. So it is essential to encourage workers to operate their jobs safely. Safety Culture is one of tools that organizations apply to raise safety operation especially in Steel Industries which each process have hidden hazard. The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the effect of safety management commitment on Safety culture; 2) to study the effect of Safety communication on safety culture; 3) to study the effect of safety engagement on safety culture; 4) to study the effect of safety management system on safety culture; 5) to study the effect of safety training on safety culture. The samples were 280 production operators in the steel industry in WHA Eastern Industrial Estate (Map Ta Phut) Rayong Province. The simple random sampling method was used for collecting data. The author applied multiple regression approach to examine the factors affecting safety culture and set the statistically significant at .05 level.

          The results demonstrate safety communication, safety management system and safety training have significant positive effect on safety culture. However, management commitment to safety and safety engagement do not affect safety culture in the studied Steel Industry.

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How to Cite
Nuchanart, C., & Boriraj, J. . (2020). FACTORS AFFECTING SAFETY CULTURE OF STEEL INDUSTRY OPERATORS IN WHA EASTERN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE (MAP TA PHUT) RAYONG PROVINCE. Journal of Graduate School of Commerce-Burapha Review, 15(2), 106–120. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/GSC/article/view/242233


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