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The research was conducted with the objectives to study the opinions of marketing mix, consumer behavior, and marketing effectiveness of fresh food online purchase, to examine the relationship between marketing mix, consumer behavior, and marketing effectiveness of online fresh food purchases, and to propose the marketing mix model and consumer behavior toward the marketing effectiveness of fresh food online purchase in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region. The sample group was the population in in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region who used to buy fresh food online. Due to the unknown population number, the researcher used the sample size determination by using the formula to calculate the sample size of Taro Yamane, Taro Yamane, (1973) at the confidence level of 95 percent and the level of error value of 5 percent. The sample group size were totally 400 samples for data collection. The research tools used for collecting data employed with online questionnaires and questionnaires. Moreover, the researcher selected 5 experts in online media with at least 5 years of work experiences chosen by the purposing sampling. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test and content analysis with problematic information and suggestions. The results showed that the population living in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region had the overall opinions toward the marketing effectiveness of fresh food buying behavior via online were at a high level (=3.83) and considering each aspect, it was found that the consumer behavior toward the marketing effectiveness in purchasing fresh food online among the consumers living in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region had the overall opinions toward the aspect of attitude at a high level (=3.93). Considering in each aspect was purchasing online fresh food had the convenience since they could purchase 24 hours. Moreover, the relationship between the marketing mix, consumer behavior, and the marketing effectiveness of fresh food buying behavior via online among the consumers in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region had the same direction in all aspects of proposing the model since it was found that KMO was as .975 which was higher than .80. Therefore, the data could apply effectively for the analysis of elements ours while the value of Sig. (2-Tailed) was at 0.00 which was less than .05, this indicated that each sub-variable had the relationship with the statistical significance.
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