The Development of Online Music Lessons Using a Flipped Classroom on the Principles and Methods of Singing Thai Songs for Elementary School Students


  • sirintar inya College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University.
  • Pimonmas Promsukkul College of Music, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University


online music lessons, flipped classroom, Thai singing principles and methods


The objectives of this research were: 1) to develop and determine the effectiveness of online music lessons using the flipped classroom model; 2) to compare the academic achievement of students before and after learning with online music lessons under the flipped classroom model; and 3) to assess students’ satisfaction with online music lessons using a flipped classroom. This research is pre-experimental research using one group pretest-posttest design. The sample group were 20 sixth grade students from Bannonglee Witthayakhom School in 2023 academic year. The tools used in the research included online music lessons involving the singing of Thai songs, comprising 10 lessons, as well as pre- and post-class tests, a practical skills assessment form, a learning evaluation based on the actual conditions, and a satisfaction assessment. Statistics used in data analysis included mean, standard deviation, t-test, and efficiency test according to the criterion E1/E2 = 80/80. The research results found that: 1) online music lessons using the flipped classroom model had an efficiency of 80.32/83.75, which is in accordance with the specified criteria; 2) post-study achievement learned from online music lessons using the flipped classroom model recorded higher scores than before learning at
a statistically significant level of 0.05; and 3) satisfaction with learning the activities was found to be at a very good level.



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How to Cite

inya, sirintar, & Promsukkul, P. (2024). The Development of Online Music Lessons Using a Flipped Classroom on the Principles and Methods of Singing Thai Songs for Elementary School Students. Journal of Education Studies, 52(1), EDUCU5201017 (14 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2024.17. Retrieved from