Development and Validation of Model of Factors Affecting Elders’ Essential Future Skills


  • Associate Professor Dr. Chulalongkorn University


future skills, flexible learning, learning environment, learning assessment, elder


Thailand will become super aged society. Therefore, preparation should be made to develop elders’ essential future skills to be able to work with quality. This study aimed to develop and examine the goodness of fit of model of factors affecting elders’ essential future skills, and investigate effects of flexible learning, learning environment, and learning assessment on elders’ essential future skills. The results showed that the developed model fitted the empirical data (gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}(121, N = 120) = 136.62, p = .16, gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2}/df = 1.13, CFI = 0.99, TLI = 0.99, RMSEA = 0.03, SRMR = 0.03). The effect of flexible learning (β = 0.31) on elders’ essential future skills is the greatest value, followed by learning environment (β = 0.21), and learning assessment (β = 0.15), respectively.



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How to Cite

NASONGKHLA, J., & Sujiva, S. (2023). Development and Validation of Model of Factors Affecting Elders’ Essential Future Skills. Journal of Education Studies, 51(4), EDUCU51040011 (18 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.38. Retrieved from