The Development of a Mobile Game Application to Promote the Persistence of HSK Level 2 Vocabulary for Grade 11 Students


  • Phatcharee Pumsanthia สพม.นครสวรรค์
  • ปิยมนัส วรวิทย์รัตนกุล Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University
  • Phutcharawalai Meesup Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University



Games application, Retention, Chinese language


The purposes of this research were to 1) develop and determine the quality of a mobile game application 2) compare the learning achievements before and after learning using the game 3) study the memory retention of Chinese words from using the game and 4) study the satisfaction of the students towards the mobile game application. The sample group consisted of 25 students. Achievement was measured via a vocabulary retention test, a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis were mean, standard deviation, t-test, dependent samples, One-Way ANOVA, percentages.

The results of this research were as follows: 1) The content quality of the game applications was found to be at a very good level (M= 4.60, SD= 0.61), the technical aspect was also determined to be at a good level (M= 4.27, SD= 0.45) at the .05 level of statistical significance. In terms of persistence in memorizing words, it was found that both after learning and after learning for 7 days, students’ scores were not significantly different. However, when analyzing students’ retention in memorizing words, it was found that the students' scores were significantly different when testing after 7 days of study and after 30 days of study. The average vocabulary memorization of students after 7 days of study decreased by no more than 10% equal to 9.88 and the average after 30 days decreased by no more than 30% equal to 12.32 Student satisfaction with the game application was also at a high level (M= 4.38, SD= 0.08)



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How to Cite

Pumsanthia, P., วรวิทย์รัตนกุล ป., & Meesup, P. (2024). The Development of a Mobile Game Application to Promote the Persistence of HSK Level 2 Vocabulary for Grade 11 Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 52(1), EDUCU5201010.