Evaluate the Effectiveness of The Foreign Language Capacity Development Project (Thai-Cambodia) for elementary school students in the Khlong Yai district of Trat Province and the Koh Kong Province of Cambodia


  • วันทนีย์ เดชารัตนชาติ มหาวิทยาลัยการจัดการและเทคโนโลยีอีสเทิร์น
  • นุชนารถ นาคขำ


Cross-border education, Summative evaluation, Teaching foreign languages


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of The Foreign Language Capacity Development Project (Thai-Cambodia) for elementary schools in Khlong Yai district Trat Province and Koh Kong Province, Cambodia, or "Cross-Border Bilingual School", and to determine whether this project had the potential to lead to future cross-border education between the two countries. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from students, parents, teachers, school administrators, educational administrators, local government leaders, and NGOs in Thailand and Cambodia. Combined with the secondary data collected by the project staff. Data analysis using mean, percentage, and content analysis. The results indicate that the project was implemented during the pandemic of COVID-19 which resulted in the implementation not going as planned
 but it was able to deliver the key results including an intensive Foreign Language (Thai-Cambodian) curriculum, manuals, lesson plans, teaching materials, and teaching activities. In terms of collaboration between the two countries. There is  a joint committee of both counties that can work together to develop a draft memorandum of understanding on educational development. It has the potential for cross-border education in the future despite various risks. In particular, there is unclear about
the action plan and the budget to be implemented. To ensure the continuity of educational cooperation. There are recommendations on the arrangement of action plans to comply with
the Memorandum of Understanding and implement the agreed priorities.



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How to Cite

CHAI-AROON, T., เดชารัตนชาติ ว., & นาคขำ น. (2023). Evaluate the Effectiveness of The Foreign Language Capacity Development Project (Thai-Cambodia) for elementary school students in the Khlong Yai district of Trat Province and the Koh Kong Province of Cambodia . Journal of Education Studies, 51(4), EDUCU5104014 (14 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.41. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/260286