Remote Teaching for Collaboration and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Undergraduate Urban Science: A Case Study


  • Yuan Lai Tsinghua University
  • Rea Lavi New Engineering Education Program, School of Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Remote Teaching, Collaboration, Creative Problem-Solving, Urban Science


Conventional urban studies pedagogy approaches rely on highly situated experience through site visits, ground surveys, and neighborhood engagement that require learning on the scene with social interaction. The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted higher education worldwide, with undergraduate urban studies education being no exception. Such public health protocols have caused unfortunate disruptions but have also created unique opportunities for experimenting with new learning approaches augmented by information technology. This paper describes actions and reactions towards learning adaptation throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This two-week learning unit challenged instructors’ facilitation of students’ collaborative and creative problem-solving skills. The findings reveal how we
(a) re-examined our pedagogical approaches, (b) designed the course for purposes of remote teaching, particularly for facilitating collaborative and creative problem-solving skills, and (c) implemented/taught the course. Finally, the authors conclude with suggestions for future problem-solving training and teaching strategies for instructors in ‘new normal’ learning environments.


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How to Cite

Lai, Y., & Lavi, R. (2023). Remote Teaching for Collaboration and Creative Problem-Solving Skills in Undergraduate Urban Science: A Case Study. Journal of Education Studies, 51(4), EDUCU5104001 (18 pages) DOI: 10.14456/educu.2023.28. Retrieved from