Research and Development of Online Instruction via Online Platforms and the Administration of Master of Science Program in Industrial and Innovation Management


  • Piyamaphon Phunongong Srinakharinwirot University
  • Piyapong Khaikleng Srinakharinwirot University
  • Kageeporn Wongpreedee Srinakharinwirot University


Teaching and Learning Management, Teaching Quality, Online Platform


The current research endeavor aimed to first survey opinions and needs of developing and managing instructions in Master of Science Program in industrial and innovation management. The second objective was to develop a guideline for administrating teaching and analyzing the learning results before and after the experiment. Moreover, the research attempted to provide comments on the curriculum management. Data were collected from 18 participants using mixed research methods from documents, group discussions, and semi-structured interviews. The data were analyzed quantitatively using the average and the standard deviation. The results revealed that first, there was a high level of the needs for instructional development and curriculum management. Next, the analysis of instructional management guideline and comparison before and after the experiment showed that elective courses allowed students to associate with experts and obtain knowledge to adapt in their theses and research projects. They could consult with their thesis advisors and both teachers and students used Microsoft Teams to communicate and manage assignments in a timely manner. Lastly, comments included having fundamental courses in semester 1 and focusing the instructions on problem-solutions in relation to the needs in industrial management.

Author Biographies

Piyamaphon Phunongong, Srinakharinwirot University

Educator, Practitioner Level College of Creative Industry, Srinakharinwirot University 

Piyapong Khaikleng, Srinakharinwirot University

Lecturer of curriculum and Innovation and Industry Management, College of Creative Industry, Srinakharinwirot University

Kageeporn Wongpreedee, Srinakharinwirot University

  Lecturer of curriculum and Innovation and Industry Management, College of Creative Industry, Srinakharinwirot University



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How to Cite

Phunongong, P., Khaikleng, P., & Wongpreedee, K. (2022). Research and Development of Online Instruction via Online Platforms and the Administration of Master of Science Program in Industrial and Innovation Management. Journal of Education Studies, 50(4), EDUCU5004007 (14 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2022.36. Retrieved from