The Development of English Writing Ability by Using the B-SLIM model with the CIRC Technique for Students in Secondary level 1
English writing ability, the B-SLIM model, CIRC technique, secondary levelAbstract
The objectives of this research were 1) to compare the English writing ability of students at secondary level 1 before and after learning management by using the B-SLIM model with the CIRC technique, 2) to study group working behavior that was managed by using the B-SLIM model with the CIRC technique; and 3) to study the satisfaction of students towards the teaching method of the B-SLIM model with the CIRC technique. The sample group was 40 students in secondary level 1 by using cluster sampling. Research instruments consisted of an English writing ability test, an observation form for group working behavior of students, and a questionnaire on student satisfaction with the learning management method. The statistics used were mean, standard deviation and t-test. The results showed that 1) the English writing abilities of students in secondary level 1 after studying with the learning management method were higher than they were before with a statistically significant difference at .05 level; 2) the students’ group working behaviors during the learning management, overall, were at a high level; and 3) the students' overall satisfaction with learning by using the B-SLIM model with the CIRC technique was found to be at the greatest possible level.
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