Teaching and Learning Process in Physical Activity for Older Adults in Kampheang Saen, Nakornpathom


  • Atchara Purakom Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus
  • Tharin Kanleung Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus
  • Tassanee Juntiya Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus




teaching process, learning process, Physical Activity (PA), active older adults


Learning about physical activity is important for improving seniors’ physical functions to live a healthy life. This mixed methods research was designed to study the physical activity (PA) teaching and learning process in the elderly in Kamphaeng Saen, Nakhonpathom Province. Recruited by purposive sampling, the participants were 30 active senior citizens, aged 60 or older who were registered to the holistic physical activity curriculum of the Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University from January to March 2019. The research instruments were a semi-structured interview, a satisfaction on PA teaching and learning process questionnaire, and a PA knowledge test. The qualitative data were analyzed by typological analysis, component analysis, and analytic induction. The quantitative data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, and paired t-test. The research showed that PA teaching and learning in the group of seniors was conducted through a skill-based approach focusing on fall prevention, avoiding osteoarthritis and dementia, and the elderly physical fitness test. Teaching techniques embraced a happy and fun approach with various kinds of motivation strategies. All facilities and computer-based teaching materials also helped supporting the learning environment. The result of the teaching and learning process composed of 5 components which were 1) enjoyable movement, 2) active group learning, 3) life experience connection, 4) internal and external motivation and 5) self–actualization. The study recommended that educational institutions develop the curriculum, instruction, and an assessment of PA learning system for the elderly.

Author Biographies

Atchara Purakom, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus

Head of Holistic Innovative Physical Activity Learning Center for Older Adults, Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus

Tharin Kanleung, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus

Lecturer in Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus

Tassanee Juntiya, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus

Lecturer in Faculty of Education and Development Sciences, Kasetsart University, Kampheang Sane campus


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How to Cite

Purakom, A. ., Kanleung, T., & Juntiya, T. (2021). Teaching and Learning Process in Physical Activity for Older Adults in Kampheang Saen, Nakornpathom . Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 49(4), EDUCU4904017. https://doi.org/10.14456/educu.2021.76