The Development of English Speaking Skills using a Task-based Learning Approach Focused on Selling Local Products for the Ninth Grade Students


  • Pakkaphorn Ubonnoi Banlatwitthaya School
  • Peerapat Yangklang Thammasat University


speaking skills, task-based learning, local products


The purposes of this pre-experimental research were: 1) to compare students’ average speaking skills scores before and after using a task-based learning approach focused on selling local products and 2) to study the students’ satisfaction and attitude towards the task-based learning approach.  Selected by purposive sampling, the samples consisted of 35 ninth graders from the school under the secondary education service area office Phetchaburi in the second semester of the 2019 academic year. The research instruments included 1) a direct speaking skills test, 2) a student satisfaction questionnaire, and 3) a semi-structured interview form. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, t-test dependent scores, and content analysis. The study found that, after using a task-based learning approach, the students’ average English-speaking skill scores were higher at the .05 level of significance, with student satisfaction at the highest level. Students also showed a positive attitude towards the use of this approach because they felt that they were able to apply what they learned from the task-based session to a real-life conversation.

Author Biographies

Pakkaphorn Ubonnoi, Banlatwitthaya School

Teacher at Banlatwitthaya School Phetchaburi

Peerapat Yangklang, Thammasat University

The Lecturer of English at Department of English and Linguistics, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


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How to Cite

Ubonnoi, P., & Yangklang, P. (2021). The Development of English Speaking Skills using a Task-based Learning Approach Focused on Selling Local Products for the Ninth Grade Students. Journal of Education Studies, 49(4), EDUCU4904013(13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.72. Retrieved from