The Effects of Jurisprudential Teaching Model on Media Influence Learning Achievement and Critical Thinking of the Ninth Grade Students
media influence, jurisprudential teaching model, leaning achievement, critical thinkingAbstract
The purpose of this research was to study the effects of the jurisprudential inquiry model of teaching on a topic of media influence on learning achievement and critical thinking of the ninth-grade students. The samples were 80 ninth graders from Roi-Et province. Forty of the students in an experimental group were assigned to study using the jurisprudential inquiry model of teaching while the other forty students in a control group were assigned to study with the traditional teaching model. The research instrument was an achievement test on the topic of media influence on attitude, practice, and critical thinking. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, which were mean and standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings indicated that after learning with this teaching model, the mean scores of an achievement test on knowledge, attitude, practice, and critical thinking for the experimental group students were higher than before learning at the .05 level of significance. For the control group, after learning with the traditional teaching model; however, the mean scores of the same achievement test were not significantly different from before learning at the .05 level. The result also showed that, after learning with this teaching model, between the two groups, the mean scores of an achievement test on knowledge, attitude, practice, and critical thinking for the experimental group students were significantly higher than those in the control group at the .05 level.
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