The Learning Achievement and Satisfaction of Upper Secondary School Students on Learning Management of Inquiry-Based Learning (5E) with an Electronic Book


  • Nuttawut Srirasa Burapha University
  • Pattaraporn Chaiprasert Burapha University
  • Chade Sirisawat Burapha University


inquiry-based learning (5E), electronic book, learning achievement, satisfaction of students


The purpose of this research was to study the learning achievement and students’ satisfaction of upper secondary school on learning management of inquiry-based learning (5E) together with an electronic book. The participants of this research were 44 eleventh grade students who studied in the first semester of the academic year 2020 at an especially large school in Chonburi Province. All participants were selected by a cluster random sampling. The research instruments were 1) an electronic book on the topic of the rate of chemical reaction, 2) lesson plans on the topic of the rate of chemical reaction, 3) a learning achievement test, and 4) a student satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using the mean, standard deviation, dependent sample t-test, and one-sample t-test. The results showed that 1) the post-test scores after learning with inquiry-based learning (5E) together with the rate of chemical reaction electronic book were higher than the pre-test scores at the .05 level of significance, 2) after learning this assigned topic with an electronic book with inquiry-based learning (5E) model, the post-test scores of the participants were higher than 80 percent at the .05 level of statistical significance, and 3) the students’ satisfaction towards this learning management and materials used were at the highest level which was very satisfied.

Author Biographies

Nuttawut Srirasa, Burapha University

Graduate Student in Science Teaching, Department of Learning Management, Faculty of Education, Burapha University

Pattaraporn Chaiprasert, Burapha University

Lecturer in Science Teaching, Department of Learning Management, Faculty of Education, Burapha University

Chade Sirisawat, Burapha University

Lecturer in Science Teaching, Department of Learning Management, Faculty of Education, Burapha University


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How to Cite

Srirasa, N., Chaiprasert, P., & Sirisawat, C. (2021). The Learning Achievement and Satisfaction of Upper Secondary School Students on Learning Management of Inquiry-Based Learning (5E) with an Electronic Book. Journal of Education Studies, 49(4), EDUCU4904005 (13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.64. Retrieved from