Conceptual Framework of Cultural Diversity Management in an Extra-Large School


  • Pimjai, K. Khon Kaen University
  • Thawinkarn, D. Khon Kaen University


cultural diversity, cultural diversity management, conceptual framework


This study aims to examine and evaluate the conceptual framework of cultural diversity management in an extra-large school. The study consisted of a two-step mixed methods research: 1) to synthesize the conceptual framework of cultural diversity management components and indicators from 15 research papers and 2) to evaluate what 5 qualified experts considered to be the conceptual framework of cultural diversity management. The data were verified using a checklist assessment and open-ended questions were used to find additional ideas analyze the validity of the consistency index (index of item objective congruence: IOC). The research results found that 1) the conceptual framework of cultural diversity management in the extra-large school consisted of the following five components: (1) cultural training that included three indicators; (2) a mentoring and counseling program that had three indicators; (3) cultural leadership involving three indicators; (4) intercultural communication, which had four indicators; and (5) diversity alignment involving three indicators. 2) the result of conceptual framework assessment of cultural diversity management in an extra-large school had an index of item objective congruence (IOC) between 0.80 – 1.00 which reached all criteria.

Author Biographies

Pimjai, K., Khon Kaen University

Graduate student in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University

Thawinkarn, D., Khon Kaen University

Lecturer in Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University


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How to Cite

Pimjai, K., & Thawinkarn, D. (2021). Conceptual Framework of Cultural Diversity Management in an Extra-Large School. Journal of Education Studies, 49(3), EDUCU4903005 (13 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.44. Retrieved from