The Study of Science Learning Achievement, Attitudes Towards Science, and Group Working Behaviors of Ninth Grade Students Using TGT Technique


  • Puttapong, S. Burapha University
  • Chaiprasert, P. Burapha University
  • Singlop, S.



TGT cooperative learning management, science learning achievement, attitudes towards science, group working behaviors


The purposes of this study were to study of science learning achievement, attitudes towards science and group working behaviors of ninth grade students before and after using the TGT technique (Team Games Tournament) on genetic inheritance. The samples used in this study were a total of 41 ninth grade students who were selected by cluster random sampling method in the second semester of academic year 2019. By using the model of cooperative learning activities, the TGT technique consists of 5 steps are 1) the lead stage, 2) the team organization stage, 3) the competition stage, 4) the evaluation stage, and 5) the conclusion stage.Statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, dependent and one-sample t-Test. The results of the research were as follows: 1) Science learning achievement of ninth grade students was higher after learning using the TGT technique andexceed 70% of the criteria., 2) Attitude towards science of ninth grade students was higher after learning using the TGT technique., 3) Group working behaviors of ninth grade students were at a good level after learning using the TGT technique.

Author Biographies

Puttapong, S., Burapha University

Graduate Student in General Science Teaching Devision, Faculty of Education

Chaiprasert, P., Burapha University

Lecturer in Department of Learning Management, Faculty of Education

Singlop, S.

Lecturer in Department of Learning Management, Faculty of Education, Burapha University


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How to Cite

Puttapong, S. ., Chaiprasert, P., & Singlop, S. (2021). The Study of Science Learning Achievement, Attitudes Towards Science, and Group Working Behaviors of Ninth Grade Students Using TGT Technique. Journal of Education Studies, 49(3), EDUCU4903003.