Interaction between Interactive Computer-based Feedback Types and Physics Ability Levels on the Growth of Problem-Solving Abilities in Physics of Tenth Grade Students
interaction, interactive feedback, physics ability, problem solving abilityAbstract
The purposes of this study were 1) to study the interactions between interactive computer-based feedback types (fade-out, fade-in, constant, and knowledge of correct response feedback) and physics ability levels (high, moderate, and low) on the growth of physics-based problem-solving abilities of students, and 2) to compare the growth of physics-based problem-solving abilities of students who received four different types of interactive computer-based feedback. The sample consisted of 73 tenth grade students. The research instruments were physics-based problem-solving ability exercises delivered via computer systems and physics-based problem-solving ability tests. Quantitative data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, relative gain scores, repeated measures ANOVA, and two-way ANOVA. Results revealed that 1) there was an interaction between interactive computer-based feedback types and physics ability levels on the growth of physics-based problem-solving abilities of students at the statistically significant level of .05, and 2) students in the high ability level who received different interactive computer-based feedback types did not differ in the development of problem-solving abilities at the statistically significant level of .05. Students in the moderate ability level, who received fade-out feedback and constant feedback, as well as students in the low ability level, who received constant feedback were better in developing problem-solving abilities than those who received knowledge of correct response feedback at the statistically significant level of .05
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