The Development of Learner’s Development Activities Based on STEAM Education and Project-Based Learning to Enhance Innovator and Puppet Creation for Junior High School Students


  • Suesat, P. Silpakorn University
  • Ponegrn, W. Silpakorn University


learner’s development activities, STEAM education, project-based learning, innovator, puppet creation


The purposes of this research were to develop and examine learner’s development
activities based on STEAM Education and Project-Based Learning. The participants consisted
of 37 junior high school students during the first semester of the academic year 2020.
Research instruments consisted of a focus group, an interview form, learner’s development
activities, an innovator behavior observation form, a puppet creation assessment form and
a students’ opinion survey form. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard
deviation and content analysis. The results were as follows Learner’s development activities
were manuals and learning plans, explanations, content and teaching materials of learner’s
development activities, and measurements and evaluation of the learner’s development
activities. The results of using the learner’s development activities revealed that: (1) the
innovator was at a high level, (2) the puppet creation was at a very good level, and (3) the
student’s opinion towards the learner’s development activities was at a high level.
Furthermore, there are some recommendations for further use of the learner’s development
activities. There should be increased time for students to experiment. Especially, the
students should have opportunities to use trial and error for creating their project. Moreover,
there should be basic explanations about preliminary procedures of the project and let
students have more opportunities to plan their project by themselves.


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How to Cite

Suesat, P. ., & Ponegrn, W. . (2021). The Development of Learner’s Development Activities Based on STEAM Education and Project-Based Learning to Enhance Innovator and Puppet Creation for Junior High School Students. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901021 (19 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.21. Retrieved from