Multicultural Education Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education in Peripheral Area


  • Nasee, P. Chiang Mai University


multicultural education curriculum, early childhood, peripheral area


This paper aims to present a study about the multicultural education curriculum
development for early childhood education in peripheral areas. This paper focuses on the
development of a multicultural education curriculum at Tessaban Wat Donkaew School
in Mae Sot District, Tak Province. This study was aimed at 1) investigating the current status
and problems of multicultural curriculum and learning experience management for early
childhood education in a peripheral area, 2) developing a multicultural education curriculum
for early childhood in that area, and 3) creating conceptual guidance and learning materials
for multicultural education in early childhood. This study employed a participatory action
research method and applied a purposive technique to select the research sites, three
municipal kindergarten schools located in peripheral areas of Northern Thailand. Data were
collected through document research, interviews, observation, and focus groups, while
content analysis was used to analyze the data. The findings reveal that the former curriculum
of this school did not recognize cultural differences in the community. Therefore,
a multicultural education curriculum that contained two learning units, a curriculum
framework handbook, and a set of teaching plans and materials was developed. As
a consequence, the cultural differences and benefits of multicultural education were more
recognized, while being included in the school policy. According to Banks’s concept of
four levels of content integration in multicultural education, the multicultural education
curriculum of this school was consistent with the third level (transformative).


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How to Cite

Nasee, P. . (2021). Multicultural Education Curriculum Development for Early Childhood Education in Peripheral Area. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901015 (19 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.15. Retrieved from