Preparing Mathayom 6 Students at Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Schools for the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET)


  • Pewnil, T. Ramkhamhaeng University


Preparation, Ordinary national educational tests, O-NET, Positive attitude, Social support


The objectives of this study were to 1) study of the factors affecting Ordinary National Educational Tests (O-NET) preparation for Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)  Mathayom 6 (grade 12) students; and 2) study ways in which student preparedness for the O-NET test had been achieved. Quantitative and qualitative research was done by collecting quantitative data from questionnaires from 731 samples, all Mathayom 6 students; qualitative research was done by collecting data by in-depth interviews with 33 samples, 18 adults, who worked as teachers and administrators, and 15 students. Data was gathered from nine participating high schools from March to August 2019. Results were that factors affecting to student preparation for the O-NET test had statistically significant positive attitudes towards the test as well as family and school support. The family variable was most influential. These findings suggest that to prepare Mathayom 6 students for future O-NET tests, it is vital to encourage cooperation between teachers, parents, and schools by increasing teacher roles in supporting student preparation.


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How to Cite

Pewnil, T. . (2021). Preparing Mathayom 6 Students at Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Schools for the Ordinary National Educational Test (O-NET). Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 49(1), EDUCU4901012 (21 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.12. retrieved from