The Effective Digital Library Management Model for Extra-Large Size Secondary Schools


  • Sianglam, U. Eastern Asia University
  • Uthairat, W. Eastern Asia University


digital library management model, extra-large size secondary schools


The objectives of this research were to study, construct and assess the state of effective digital library management for extra–large size secondary schools. The samples used in this research were 290 digital libraries, the information was provided by 580 executives and head teacher librarians. Questionnaire and in-depth interview were employed as research instruments. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, factor analysis and content analysis. The research results showed that: overall, the management of digital library was found at highly effective level of practice. The constructed model invented from the research consisted of content, objective, process, method and evaluation while factors affecting effective digital library management model consists of planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation. The assessment and verification of the constructed effective digital management model were rated by experts and connoisseurs to be correct, possible, and useful at very high level with less standard deviation of analyzed data.


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How to Cite

Sianglam, U. ., & Uthairat, W. . (2021). The Effective Digital Library Management Model for Extra-Large Size Secondary Schools. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901011 (10 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.11. Retrieved from