Development of a Transformative Process to Sustainable Development of Highland Karen


  • Pungporn, A. Chulalongkorn University
  • Sachakul, K. Chulalongkorn University


sustainable development, highland Karen communities


This research aimed to 1) develop sustainable development indicators for highland Karen communities, 2) analyse a transformative process for the sustainable development of highland Karen communities, and 3) provide guidelines for a learning process to transform the sustainable development of highland Karen communities. The results showed that there were 4 sustainable development indicators. These included conserving beliefs and values in relation to nature, conserving traditional rice-growing processes, conserving local wisdom concerning natural resources management, and conserving community ethics. As a consequence, highland Karen communities advanced their beliefs and attitudes, paying less attention to local traditions and wisdom.  Rice growing in the traditional way decreased, while economic crops increased and natural resources were destroyed.  In order to sustainably develop highland Karen communities, it is necessary to restore the 7 moral values of the community. These measures include upholding natural resources, gratitude, sufficiency, fairness, helping and caring for each other, paying respect to elders and good people, and participating in community work.  In addition, 12 types of local wisdom should be preserved. Two types of modern knowledge, including health care and community management, should be applied. For the learning process, 4 methods of traditional community learning should be combined with modern education by placing the community at the centre.  Officials and natural leaders should coordinate their roles in order to drive community development while at the same time preserving the community culture.


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How to Cite

Pungporn, A. ., & Sachakul, K. . (2021). Development of a Transformative Process to Sustainable Development of Highland Karen. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901010 (18 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.10. Retrieved from