Learning Models Based on Social Capital for Coping with Economic and Social Changes in Special Economic Zones


  • Jaisue, N. Chulalongkorn University
  • Madiloggovit, C. Chulalongkorn University


learning models, social capital, economic and social changes, special economic zones


This research aimed to 1) study the social capital of the community in Special Economic Zones, 2) analyse the learning in social capital usage of the community for coping with economic and social changes in Special Economic Zones, and 3) present learning models formed on the basis of community social capital learning for coping with economic and social changes in Special Economic Zones. The researcher adopted qualitative research methods for field study in two communities via in-depth interviews, group discussions and non-participant observation. The research outcomes can be summarized as follows: 1) Social capital consists of human capital, tradition, culture capital and organisation capital; 2) Learning how to use community social capital for coping with economic and social changes in Special Economic Zones consists of 11 learning methods, 15 contents, 10 learning centres, and 9 learning mechanisms of mobilisation; 3) The learning model formed on the basis of community social capital for coping with economic and social changes in Special Economic Zones consists of A) Leader-driven Community Model, B) Community Members-driven Community Model, and C) External Organisation-driven Community Model.


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How to Cite

Jaisue, N. ., & Madiloggovit, C. . (2021). Learning Models Based on Social Capital for Coping with Economic and Social Changes in Special Economic Zones. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901002 (18 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.2. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/247888