Academic Management of Secondary Schools According to the Concept of the Quality Citizen Enhancement


  • Nisapakomol, S. Chulalongkorn University
  • Siripirom, W. Chulalongkorn University
  • Siribanpitak, P. Chulalongkorn University


academic management, secondary schools, quality citizen enhancement


The purposes of this research were to study the conceptual framework and examine the present as well as desired status of academic management strategies for secondary schools according to the concept of quality citizen enhancement. The samples were 385 secondary schools under the Office of the Basic Education Commission. Data were obtained from 973 informants comprised of school directors, deputy directors, and teachers. The research instrument was a constructed questionnaire. The data were analysed using frequency distribution, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The research results showed that the academic management of secondary school conceptual framework according to the concept of quality citizen enhancement was comprised of schooling, supervised study, development and implementation of technology media, and measurement and evaluation. The concept development for quality population contained 3 attributes. These attributes were creativity and critical thinking, having economics capability, and having virtue and responsibility. The results likewise showed that the current status of high school academic administration was at a high level (M = 3.84), and the desired academic management strategy which received the highest mean score was schooling (M = 4.67), while the lowest mean score was for media and technology development (M = 3.74).


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How to Cite

Nisapakomol, S. ., Siripirom, W. ., & Siribanpitak, P. . (2021). Academic Management of Secondary Schools According to the Concept of the Quality Citizen Enhancement. Journal of Education Studies, 49(1), EDUCU4901008 (16 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.8. Retrieved from