Effects of “Moderate Class More Knowledge” Activity Management Using Muay Thai Arts on Self-defense Skills of Lower Secondary School Female Students


  • Penroj, K. Chulalongkorn University
  • Sarayuthpitak, J. Chulalongkorn University


Muay Thai arts, self-defense skill, lower secondary school female students


The purposes of this study were to compare the average score of the self-defence
skills, using Muay Thai martial arts (or Thai boxing), before and after implementation of the
experimental and control groups students, and to compare the average score of the self–
defence skills after implementation between the two groups of students. The study’s
sample comprised 60 female students from the lower Chomsurang Upatham secondary
school, Ayutthaya, Thailand. Thirty students in the experimental group were assigned using
Muay Thai martial arts, while the other thirty students in the control group were assigned
conventional activities. The research instruments comprised eight activity plans using Muay
Thai martial arts. The data was then analysed by mean, standard deviations and t-test. The
research findings revealed the mean scores of the self-defence skills of the experimental
group of students after the experiment were significantly higher than before, at 0.05 level,
while the mean scores of the self-defence skills of the experimental group of students
after the experiment were significantly higher than the control group of students, at 0.05


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How to Cite

Penroj, K. ., & Sarayuthpitak, J. . (2021). Effects of “Moderate Class More Knowledge” Activity Management Using Muay Thai Arts on Self-defense Skills of Lower Secondary School Female Students. Journal of Education Studies Chulalongkorn University, 49(1), EDUCU4901001 (12 pages) doi: 10.14456/educu.2021.1. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDUCU/article/view/247839